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Image by Thom Milkovic

About Us

We are a Seattle based startup transforming the way food is rescued in the United States. We are tackling challenges across multiple complex spaces like realtime marketplaces for direct donations, models to compute carbon footprint and carbon credits, business tax laws and many more. 

Ultimately we are driven by a mission to rescue wholesome food that is being thrown away and bring it to the millions of Americans that are food insecure in the most convenient way possible.

40% of all food in the U.S. is thrown away while millions go hungry. Thats crazy!
Let's change that!

Our Mission

Our mission is to broaden access to food security by delivering incremental value to the stores that donate food, empowering non-profits to scale up and democratizing food rescue for individuals.

Our Vision

  • We envision a future where rescuing food is as easy as using any other food app in the market.

  • We want to bring billions of wasted wholesome meals to the millions of food insecure Americans.

  • Businesses should get tax deductions and tips for donations, data driven insights to optimize their supply chain and reduce waste.

  • Together, we drive reduction in our carbon footprint due to food waste and save our environment.

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